Saturday 28 September 2013

EXO facts 2

  • Just like I said, for the fun of it:) :
  • In a fast food restaurant near the SM building, a fan spotted someone who looked like Lay, but this guy was extremely fluent in Korean, so she had her doubts. She went over and hesitantly asked if he was EXO-M’s Lay. Lay looked up while munching on his burger, and the manager told her sorry but no when the fan asked for an autograph. After the manager and Lay were done eating, the fan quickly got out a CD to ask again for an autograph before they left the place. But Lay walked over to her table first, greeted her, and signed the CD. He smiled at her and he grabbed a taxi for her too afterwards.
  • At the EXO-K hi-touch event, a fan was being really shy and hesitant about giving Chanyeol a high-five. Chanyeol grabbed her wrist, lowered his head so he could meet her eyes, held eye contact, gave her a high-five, and warmly said, “Bye~”
  • Not too long ago, a Chinese sasaeng fan went up to Xiumin when he was with Luhan. She thought Luhan wasn’t listening, so she spoke humiliating words to Xiumin about the Xiuhan pairing(?). Xiumin, since his Chinese still isn’t that good, didn’t understand what she was saying, but Luhan heard and did. He got really angry, grabbed Xiumin by his wrist, and dragged him into their dorm.

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